Hello everyone,
I got inspired by Dr.D flows YouTube videos on converting a mill to cnc. With his guide I purchased a pm-833tv during covid and recently purchased Arizona cnc kit for the mechanical part of the conversion.
Sadly I have no time or money to continue the journey because wife, life, kid, and work. So I’m hopping on here to see if anyone is interested in purchasing the mill, ball screws, and large heavy duty base I built for the mill?
I’ve just recently started to ponder this idea. Not even sure if I want to sell it, but thought I’d put it out there…
The mill has very low hours.
I’ll post pictures soonemphasized text
Sorry to hear that life got in the way of machining! Where are you located? And what are you asking for the mill and kit?
I am located in Howell, Michigan. And I’m not sure how much, best offer. Currently the Arizona cnc kit is installed,($1,200.00) just needs the motors, drivers and electronics. Comes with the stand and a few other items.
I bought the mill in 2020 for $5280.50 from precision Mathews. The conversion kit was $1,279.00. The kit is mostly installed. If anyone’s interested message me. I’ll keep an eye on my emails. Here’s some more pics.
It comes with the stand and a few other miscellaneous items.
Is that a poured concrete table top for your mill?
Sorry that you had to abandon your project, were you able to find a buyer?
Nope, just plate steel. I think it’s only 1/8” or 3/16” I’ve had a few messages on market place, one guy messaged me and said he was in the same boat. Had to drop his price to 2k