DIY Heavy Duty PM833 CNC Kit

Since there are no kits currently available for converting the PM833 to cnc I decided to make my own.
I have ordered 32mm doublenut ballscrew on Z and 25mm doublenut on X/Y.
The bearing I chose are Japanese NSK TAC series these are super high precision angular contact bearing that are specifically for supporting ballscrews. I made the CAD file in fusion360 and have been 3d printing the prototype parts on my Voron2.

I am still waiting for the ballscrews to arrive before i can any further on this project so hopefully they show up soon.

When I have it all sorted I think maybe I will offer it to others.

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Awesome looking Voron! Keep us updated on your progress.

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Really cool! Let us know how it all works out.

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Not sure if it is too late for you but Dave at Arizona CNC has a kit ready for the PM833. He offers two versions with 25 and 32mm ball screws. You can reach him at

I’m sure ArizonaCNC makes a decent kit but he took too long to make it for me. I created my own kit in the last month while waiting 7 months for his. All my parts have arrived for the mechanical side and I have started to assemble it with the 3d printed parts.

From what I understand the Arizona CNC kit will have 20mm on X/Y and the option of 25mm or 32mm on Z. I wanted 25mm on x/y as well just as a personal choice.

For my electronics side I just picked up a HP 800 G2 mini pc and yesterday I installed linuxcnc2.9 with probe basic on debian 12 “bookworm”. (instuctions here)

I have ordered the newest leadshine EtherCat AC drives (el8 series) and servo motors with 23bit optical encoders (elm2 series)

Marco Reps on youtube has a good video with a similar setup using the el7 drives instead. I liked the ethercat setup so I went with it but chose the el8 series because it has more I/Os and was $60 difference.

I should have the mechanics built in a few days if i can find the time but time is in short supply around here right now.


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Looks beautiful. Nice work Eric!